Insight Day at Clayton Dubilier & Rice
Event: Clayton Dubilier & Rice would like to invite university students to an online insight event, introducing them to the firm and internship opportunities. Students will be introduced to CD&R, attend a case stduent session and have the chance to ask questions to a panel of colleagues from across the firm.
Location: Online
Timings: Evening (Specific timings will be shared on approval of registration)
Audience: Women and non-binary university students and graduates. The firm are particularly interested in students with some experience and/or are studying at the postgraduate level, however welcome anyone who is interested.
Questions? Email
Insight Day - Aspect Capital
Location: London
Audience: Women and non-binary students studying in their penultimate or final year of University. Aspect Capital are eager to meet with students who have an interest in quant investing and who have coding and statistical skills.
Timings: Afternoon (Specific timings will be shared on approval of registration)
Questions? Email