Get application ready

An application is the first step towards landing your dream internship or graduate role.

Not sure where to begin? Let’s get you ready to nail your application.

You need a great CV

Your CV usually accompanies a written application. It’s a chance to show your relevant experience which you could later expand on in an application form or discuss in an interview.

Our key tips to remember when writing your CV are:

  • Keep it to 2 pages

  • Don’t overcrowd it - Make sure there is enough white space on the page so it looks clear and tidy

  • Tailor your CV to the role you are applying for - When listing your experience, draw on the requirements for the role. If they mention being a good communicator, or team player highlight that when describing what each role included

  • Only include relevant experience - This will help keep your CV to two pages. If you have previous experience in the industry highlight this early on. If you do not have previous experience in the industry, that’s okay! Expand further on the experience you do have and compare the skills you learnt to the skills needed for the role

  • Don’t forget your education, additional courses and hobbies! - Let the hiring manager get a flavour of who you are!

Watch our CV and Cover Letter clinic for further tips and tricks, recommended by industry professionals.

Writing Your Application

Once your CV is fantastic, it’s time to turn your attention to your    application.

Each firm will have a different set of application questions, but the same principals apply to make sure you impress whoever is reading your application.

9 tips to Nail Your Application

  1. Know your timelines - When are applications due? When are internships held? GAIN’s internship application window is between the 9th September and the 27th October 2024.

  2. Don’t count yourself out, before you’ve started! - You do not need a prior internship to succeed. You do not need to be studying finance, degree variety is desired in the industry to bring different ways of thinking together.

  3. Make sure you fully answer each question - give a full, concise answer to each question. If there is a recommended word count, that will guide you in the level of detail expected.

  4. Include examples of your experience - Use examples from your studies, societies or previous work experience to support your statements and bring life to your application.

  5. Do your research - When applying to a specific firm, bring any recent company news into your answers. Know their values and bring them into your answer.

  6. Tailor your communications - write a new application for each role, it does show when you copy and paste! Look at any skills advertised in a job role and bring them into your answers, along with your research. When applying to the GAIN programme, you are not applying to a specific firm. Instead, tell us what interests you in investment management and why this programme will benefit you. Do not mistake investment management with investment banking.

  7. Make sure your LinkedIn is up to date - Your LinkedIn will be checked by a recruiter. Make sure it is consistent with your CV and has an appropriate photo - not one for the Insta grid!

  8. Don’t forget to attach your CV - besides the great tips above, add a sentence or two in a personal statement at the top explaining why you want to apply for this specific role.

  9. Take your time -do your research, ask a friend to proof-read and make sure you have included everything you would like to. You do not want to submit an application and then realise that you’ve missed something! This is your one chance to sell yourself!

Watch our panel of investment industry insiders as they share their 9 top tips to make sure your application stands out and YOU get noticed. Drawing on their own experiences as hiring managers within early years recruitment at investment management firms and graduates who have landed a role in the industry recently. This hour-long session will provide you with a valuable toolkit of winning application strategies

Applications for the GAIN Empower Investment Internship in partnership with Level 20

When applying to our internship programme, we want you to succeed.

We ask four questions to assess your interest in investment management and give you the opportunity to showcase yourself to the firm that we will go on to send your application to.

Below are examples of stand out applications from individuals that secured internships on our previous programmes. The four applications come from students who studied degrees in Humanities, STEM and Finance or Economics.

Take the time to learn from these applications, paying attention to the details of the answers and the way examples of their previous experience (finance or not!) have been communicated to prove they have the skills needed to become an investment manager.

Hopefully we do not need to say this, but please do not copy the answers to these questions. There is a very small team of people reviewing your applications and they have great memories! Any copied material will be spotted and your application denied.


GUEST BLOG: Ellie Mainwaring on her role at Invesco


Get assessment ready